Grading of Students
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Regulations for Grading of Students
2. A teacher shall grade each student in each semester based on his/her achievement of the objectives of the course. For the table of the definitions, score and point of each grade, see Schedule 1.
3. Beginning from the first semester of Academic Year 2021, the semester grade (including the degree examination grade) of each student will be based on a grade system. Any subject of a special nature may be graded by indication of “pass” or “fail.”
The score entered by a teacher may be based on a letter grade or 100-point system, provided that any score entered based on a 100-point system is converted into and saved as a letter grade by the computer system in accordance with Schedule 1.
For any student taking courses in the bachelor’s program or educational program and any bachelor’s student taking courses in the master’s program, the passing grade shall be C-. For any graduate student taking courses in the master’s or PhD program, the passing grade shall be B-. The passing conduct grade shall be C-.
4. The total grade of a student upon graduation shall be calculated as follows:
(1) The grade of any student who begins or resumes studying from the first semester of Academic Year 2021 shall be calculated as a grade point average.
(2) The grade of any student who originally began or resumed studying at National YangMing University from the first semester of Academic Year 2015 shall be calculated as a grade point average.
(3) The grade of any student who was originally admitted to National Yang-Ming University before Academic Year 2014 or to National Chiao Tung University before Academic Year 2020 shall be based on a 100-point system. Any grade point given by a teacher shall be converted into the 100-point scale by the computer system in accordance with Schedule 1.
5. For any course taken across semesters, the grade of a student shall be reported by the teacher during the semester when the student has completed the course. The grade for a semester when the course has not been completed shall be reported as “Y.”
However, the credits and grades of the full-year problem-based learning (PBL) course for students of the Department of Medicine and Department of Dentistry in the first semester shall be computed and recorded as the first priority. The instructors shall, at the end of the full-year courses, record the GPA for the second semester and update the GPA for the first semester based on the full-year GPA for the subject (full-year aggregate scores for the subject divided by the full-year aggregate credits for the subject). However, the ranking of the first semester will not be re-arranged (the credits for the first and second semesters shall be computed based on the original credit allocation).
6. A teacher shall report the semester grade to the student grading system before the deadline for grade submission as announced in the academic calendar of the current semester.
If the grade of any course is unable to be reported before the deadline, an application for delayed reporting may be filed before the deadline subject to approval by the director of the teaching unit, the dean of the college supervising the teaching unit, and the vice president for academic affairs. Any teacher applying for such approval shall inform the student and complete reporting the grade by the start date of the next semester at the latest.
Teachers who have failed to report grades by the deadline and apply for delayed reporting will be included in a list submitted to and published by an administrative meeting.
7.If the grade of any course is unable to be assigned before the deadline for grade submission due to “incompletion of experiment,” “incompletion of project” or “other cause of force majeure,” the part for which a grade has not been assigned may be marked as “I” (Incomplete) in the grade field.
For the purpose of normal teaching, it is not advisable to mark the grades of a majority of the students taking a course as “I.” Any grade marked as “I” shall be assigned and reported by the start date of the next semester at the latest.
8. For the semester grade of a student, if the grade of any subject is not submitted or marked as “I,” the average and rank of the grade for the current semester will not be calculated. If the student’s rights are affected, the student shall consult with the teacher.
9. The semester grade of a student may not be withdrawn or changed once it has been reported by the teacher to the Office of Academic Affairs. In the event of any error or omission by the teacher, it shall be addressed in accordance with the following procedures depending on the circumstances of error:
(1) In the event of any original grade mistakenly marked as zero or absence from examination, erroneously entered or showing calculation error, and where the original copies of the exam paper, original certificate of grade reporting and other relevant information have been provided as proof, the teacher may correct the grade by submitting an “Application by Teacher for Change of the Semester Grade” subject to approval by the director of the course teaching unit, the director of the first-level academic unit and the vice president for academic affairs.
(2) In any other event, the teacher shall submit the relevant exam paper, original certificate of grade reporting and other information along with an “Application by Teacher for Change of the Semester Grade” to the director of the course teaching unit. The grade may be corrected only after the application has been discussed and approved by a meeting of the academic unit convened by the director and sent to and approved by the vice president for academic affairs.
The procedure for the correction of any grades shall be completed within one week following the “start date” on the academic calendar of the next semester. If full completion of the procedure for grade correction occurs on a date outside the period of ranking of bachelor’s students, the ranking will not be reset in order to not affect the rights of other students.
10. Any new student prior to admission or any student who has suspended studying may take summer courses. The credits and grades of the subjects of summer courses will be recorded in the grade report, and the academic unit in which the student is enrolled will determine whether such courses may be included in the credits required for graduation or eligible for course exemption.
11. Any student selected, recommended or appointed for research or studying abroad shall have the credits and grades of the courses taken abroad by he/she reported. The department in which the student is enrolled will determine whether such courses may be included in the credits required for graduation. The grade of any course taken abroad shall be reported as “P” for passing, “F” for failure to pass or “I” for incomplete. Credits shall be transferred with the following methods based on the university at which a student studies:
(1) In the case of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS, excluding UK universities) or credits earned in Sweden or Russia, the credits earned abroad shall be divided in half and rounded to the nearest whole number.
(2) In the case of the Credit Accumulation Transfer Scheme (CATS) in the UK, the CATS credits shall be divided by 4 and rounded to the nearest whole number.
(3) Credits earned in the US, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao may be transferred equally.
(4) In countries other than those mentioned above, credits earned at any semester-system university will be recognized. For any quarter-system university, credit hours earned there will be transferred based on the principle of one credit for every 18 course hours.
12. The academic grade of a bachelor’s student is ranked by their semester grade, annual grades and graduation grades.
(1) Ranking by the semester grade (not including summer program grades): Subject to the GPA of the current semester. However, those taking less than 9 credits in the current semester will not be included in the ranking of the semester.
(2) Ranking by annual grades: Subject to the student’s GPA for all subjects taken by them.
(3) Ranking by graduation grades: Subject to the graduation grades. The ranking for 1stsemester graduates will be deferred so that they may be ranked together with the 2ndsemester graduates. Graduate students will not be ranked due to significant differences in the courses they take. The grades of each semester shall be ranked from the second week following the start date of the next semester.
13. The following are three types of grade reports for the bachelor’s program:
(1) Grade report without ranking.
(2) Grade report with a ranking by percentile ranges (including a figure showing the distribution of the average grades corresponding to the percentile ranges of the program), divided into 5%, 5–10%, 10–25%, 25–50% and 50%+.
(3) Grade report with an accurate ranking.
An application specifying reasons shall be completed and approved by the vice president for academic affairs for the issue of a grade report with an accurate ranking under the preceding paragraph.
14. For the need of grades based on a 100-point system, a table of comparison of grade point averages (GPA) converted into 100-point scores, as shown in Schedule 2, has been established for use if necessary.
15. This Regulations and any amendment thereto shall be implemented after approved by an academic affairs meeting.
These Regulations are adopted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese original.
Adopted at the 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2020 on May 26, 2021
Adopted at the 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2021 on December 16, 2021
1. This Regulations has been established for the purpose of regulating matters related to the grading of students in each semester.Adopted at the 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2021 on December 16, 2021
2. A teacher shall grade each student in each semester based on his/her achievement of the objectives of the course. For the table of the definitions, score and point of each grade, see Schedule 1.
3. Beginning from the first semester of Academic Year 2021, the semester grade (including the degree examination grade) of each student will be based on a grade system. Any subject of a special nature may be graded by indication of “pass” or “fail.”
The score entered by a teacher may be based on a letter grade or 100-point system, provided that any score entered based on a 100-point system is converted into and saved as a letter grade by the computer system in accordance with Schedule 1.
For any student taking courses in the bachelor’s program or educational program and any bachelor’s student taking courses in the master’s program, the passing grade shall be C-. For any graduate student taking courses in the master’s or PhD program, the passing grade shall be B-. The passing conduct grade shall be C-.
4. The total grade of a student upon graduation shall be calculated as follows:
(1) The grade of any student who begins or resumes studying from the first semester of Academic Year 2021 shall be calculated as a grade point average.
(2) The grade of any student who originally began or resumed studying at National YangMing University from the first semester of Academic Year 2015 shall be calculated as a grade point average.
(3) The grade of any student who was originally admitted to National Yang-Ming University before Academic Year 2014 or to National Chiao Tung University before Academic Year 2020 shall be based on a 100-point system. Any grade point given by a teacher shall be converted into the 100-point scale by the computer system in accordance with Schedule 1.
5. For any course taken across semesters, the grade of a student shall be reported by the teacher during the semester when the student has completed the course. The grade for a semester when the course has not been completed shall be reported as “Y.”
However, the credits and grades of the full-year problem-based learning (PBL) course for students of the Department of Medicine and Department of Dentistry in the first semester shall be computed and recorded as the first priority. The instructors shall, at the end of the full-year courses, record the GPA for the second semester and update the GPA for the first semester based on the full-year GPA for the subject (full-year aggregate scores for the subject divided by the full-year aggregate credits for the subject). However, the ranking of the first semester will not be re-arranged (the credits for the first and second semesters shall be computed based on the original credit allocation).
6. A teacher shall report the semester grade to the student grading system before the deadline for grade submission as announced in the academic calendar of the current semester.
If the grade of any course is unable to be reported before the deadline, an application for delayed reporting may be filed before the deadline subject to approval by the director of the teaching unit, the dean of the college supervising the teaching unit, and the vice president for academic affairs. Any teacher applying for such approval shall inform the student and complete reporting the grade by the start date of the next semester at the latest.
Teachers who have failed to report grades by the deadline and apply for delayed reporting will be included in a list submitted to and published by an administrative meeting.
7.If the grade of any course is unable to be assigned before the deadline for grade submission due to “incompletion of experiment,” “incompletion of project” or “other cause of force majeure,” the part for which a grade has not been assigned may be marked as “I” (Incomplete) in the grade field.
For the purpose of normal teaching, it is not advisable to mark the grades of a majority of the students taking a course as “I.” Any grade marked as “I” shall be assigned and reported by the start date of the next semester at the latest.
8. For the semester grade of a student, if the grade of any subject is not submitted or marked as “I,” the average and rank of the grade for the current semester will not be calculated. If the student’s rights are affected, the student shall consult with the teacher.
9. The semester grade of a student may not be withdrawn or changed once it has been reported by the teacher to the Office of Academic Affairs. In the event of any error or omission by the teacher, it shall be addressed in accordance with the following procedures depending on the circumstances of error:
(1) In the event of any original grade mistakenly marked as zero or absence from examination, erroneously entered or showing calculation error, and where the original copies of the exam paper, original certificate of grade reporting and other relevant information have been provided as proof, the teacher may correct the grade by submitting an “Application by Teacher for Change of the Semester Grade” subject to approval by the director of the course teaching unit, the director of the first-level academic unit and the vice president for academic affairs.
(2) In any other event, the teacher shall submit the relevant exam paper, original certificate of grade reporting and other information along with an “Application by Teacher for Change of the Semester Grade” to the director of the course teaching unit. The grade may be corrected only after the application has been discussed and approved by a meeting of the academic unit convened by the director and sent to and approved by the vice president for academic affairs.
The procedure for the correction of any grades shall be completed within one week following the “start date” on the academic calendar of the next semester. If full completion of the procedure for grade correction occurs on a date outside the period of ranking of bachelor’s students, the ranking will not be reset in order to not affect the rights of other students.
10. Any new student prior to admission or any student who has suspended studying may take summer courses. The credits and grades of the subjects of summer courses will be recorded in the grade report, and the academic unit in which the student is enrolled will determine whether such courses may be included in the credits required for graduation or eligible for course exemption.
11. Any student selected, recommended or appointed for research or studying abroad shall have the credits and grades of the courses taken abroad by he/she reported. The department in which the student is enrolled will determine whether such courses may be included in the credits required for graduation. The grade of any course taken abroad shall be reported as “P” for passing, “F” for failure to pass or “I” for incomplete. Credits shall be transferred with the following methods based on the university at which a student studies:
(1) In the case of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS, excluding UK universities) or credits earned in Sweden or Russia, the credits earned abroad shall be divided in half and rounded to the nearest whole number.
(2) In the case of the Credit Accumulation Transfer Scheme (CATS) in the UK, the CATS credits shall be divided by 4 and rounded to the nearest whole number.
(3) Credits earned in the US, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao may be transferred equally.
(4) In countries other than those mentioned above, credits earned at any semester-system university will be recognized. For any quarter-system university, credit hours earned there will be transferred based on the principle of one credit for every 18 course hours.
12. The academic grade of a bachelor’s student is ranked by their semester grade, annual grades and graduation grades.
(1) Ranking by the semester grade (not including summer program grades): Subject to the GPA of the current semester. However, those taking less than 9 credits in the current semester will not be included in the ranking of the semester.
(2) Ranking by annual grades: Subject to the student’s GPA for all subjects taken by them.
(3) Ranking by graduation grades: Subject to the graduation grades. The ranking for 1stsemester graduates will be deferred so that they may be ranked together with the 2ndsemester graduates. Graduate students will not be ranked due to significant differences in the courses they take. The grades of each semester shall be ranked from the second week following the start date of the next semester.
13. The following are three types of grade reports for the bachelor’s program:
(1) Grade report without ranking.
(2) Grade report with a ranking by percentile ranges (including a figure showing the distribution of the average grades corresponding to the percentile ranges of the program), divided into 5%, 5–10%, 10–25%, 25–50% and 50%+.
(3) Grade report with an accurate ranking.
An application specifying reasons shall be completed and approved by the vice president for academic affairs for the issue of a grade report with an accurate ranking under the preceding paragraph.
14. For the need of grades based on a 100-point system, a table of comparison of grade point averages (GPA) converted into 100-point scores, as shown in Schedule 2, has been established for use if necessary.
15. This Regulations and any amendment thereto shall be implemented after approved by an academic affairs meeting.
These Regulations are adopted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese original.
Schedule 1
Definition of Grade
A+:All goals achieved beyond expectation
A :All goals achieved
A-:All goals achieved, but need some polishing
B+:Some goals well achieved
B :Some goals adequately achieved
B-:Some goals achieved with minor flaws
C+:Minimum goals achieved
C :Minimum goals achieved with minor flaws
C-:Minimum goals achieved with major flaws
D :Below the passing grade
E :Failed
X :Not graded due to unexcused absences or other reasons
Definition of Grade
A+:All goals achieved beyond expectation
A :All goals achieved
A-:All goals achieved, but need some polishing
B+:Some goals well achieved
B :Some goals adequately achieved
B-:Some goals achieved with minor flaws
C+:Minimum goals achieved
C :Minimum goals achieved with minor flaws
C-:Minimum goals achieved with major flaws
D :Below the passing grade
E :Failed
X :Not graded due to unexcused absences or other reasons
Grade Score | Grade Point | 100-Point Score Range | Subject Score Converted into 100-Point Scale |
A+ | 4.3 | 90-100 | 95 |
A | 4.0 | 85-89 | 87 |
A- | 3.7 | 80-84 | 82 |
B+ | 3.3 | 77-79 | 78 |
B | 3.0 | 73-76 | 75 |
B- (Passing Criteria for Graduate Student.) |
2.7 | 70-72 | 71 |
C+ | 2.3 | 67-69 | 68 |
C | 2.0 | 63-66 | 65 |
C- (Passing Criteria for Bachelor’s Student.) |
1.7 | 60-62 | 61 |
D | 1.0 | 50-59 | 55 |
E | 0 | 1-49 | 49 |
X | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Schedule 2
Table of Comparison of Grade Point Averages (GPA) Converted into 100-Point Scores