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Degree Program of ECE and CS Colleges, National Yang-Ming Chiao-Tung University

Administrative Rules

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Policy for In-Service Master’s Programs 
Passed at 1st Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2020 on March 3, 2021
Passed at 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2020 on May 26, 2021
Article 1
 In order to promote the education and administrative operations for in-service master’s program students, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (hereinafter referred to as “NYCU”) hereby enacts the Policy accordingly.

Article 2
NYCU shall establish the Evaluating Committee for In-Service Master’s Programs (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”), and appoint the Vice President for Academic Affairs to be the convener. The dean of each college that offers the in-service master’s programs, the director of the -Accounting -Office, and the director of the Personnel Office shall serve as the standing members. The convener may invite experts/scholars inside/outside NYCU and industry professionals to participate in the Committee, if necessary. The Committee adopts the Directions for Managing Revenue and Expenditure of the Fund for In-Service Master’s Programs, which will be put into operation with the consent of the University Fund Management Committee. It will examine the rules and related development planning for utilization of the fund for continuing education programs of each college.

Article 3
Each college which offers the in-service master’s programs shall establish a in-service master’s program committee. The dean or associate dean of such college shall serve as the convener. The committee members shall consist of the representatives delegated from various departments of the college. The college’s in-service master’s programs committee will examine the organizational rules and rules related to fund utilization of each in-service master’s program.

Article 4
The director of each program shall be nominated in the manner prescribed in the organizational rules, and then appointed by the dean of the college.

Article 5
Each program shall make the promotion of teaching and thesis quality as their first priority. They will establish the program’s organizational rules, which shall be approved by the college’s in-service master’s program committee and the Evaluating Committee for In-Service Master’s Programs, and submitted to the Academic Affairs Meeting for approval and reference. Each program shall establish its masters degree conferral regulations according to the Degree Conferral Act and NYCU’s related regulations, and report them to the college affairs meeting for approval, and then to the University Curriculum Committee and Academic Affairs Meeting for approval and reference.

Article 6
Each program shall establish the fund utilization rules, including the rates for management remuneration, remuneration to members engaging in assisting with program affairs and related planning work, teacher’s hourly fees, instruction fee and degree exam-related fees, etc., and utilization of the surplus.

Article 7
Each college/department/institute shall support the program’s assistants, or pay the program’s assistants from the program’s fund.

Article 8
In principle, the program shall be taught as a special class. If any of the program’s courses needs to be merged with a day school course, the relevant reasons must be explained, and reported to the relevant college and NYCU for approval, in order to maintain the quality of the course. Any required course of the program shall not be merged with a day school course, unless upon unanimous agreement of the whole program’s students. 

Article 9
Each program’s students shall be charged based on the credit fee rate for the continuing education program, regardless of whether they take the courses offered by the program or any other courses offered by NYCU.

Article 10
Each program’s students are not allowed to transfer into the general masters program .

Article 11
Each program’s teachers shall be primarily supported by the related college’s teachers . NYCU will not support the additional quota of full-time teachers separately. Notwithstanding, each program may retain industry professionals to serve as teachers, in consideration of the practical application and students’ needs. 

Article 12
Teachers’ hourly fees shall be determined and paid by each program according to NYCU’s Directions for Managing Revenue and Expenditure of the Fund for In-Service Master’s Programs. Full-time teachers may receive hourly fees only, and their teaching hours shall be excluded from their loading hours. Notwithstanding, insofar as the day school curriculum remains unaffected, their teaching hours may be included into their loading hours subject to special approval from the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Article 13
If any course offered by the program needs to be merged with a day school course, the program’s course or the day school course shall be chosen alternatively. In the case of the day school course, teaching hours may be included into their loading hours. Notwithstanding, in the case of the program’s course, Article 12 herein shall apply.

Article 14
Each program’s students may be entitled to exemption/reduction of tuition and miscellaneous fees pursuant to the Ministry of Education’s related laws and regulations. They will be permitted to access various services, similar to those of general NYCU masters program students. However dependent on the specific requirements and regulations of the related units. 

Article 15
Any matters not covered herein shall be governed by the related regulations.

Article 16
The Policy shall be implemented upon passing the Academic Affairs Meeting. The same shall apply where the Policy is amended. 
  • Publish Date:2024-11-25
  • Update Date:2024-11-25
  • Units:Institute of Communications Engineering