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Degree Program of ECE and CS Colleges, National Yang-Ming Chiao-Tung University


1. Introduction
The College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) includes departments and institutes: 
College of Electrical Engineering College of Computer Science
 In addition, several research centers are in EECS college to promote advanced researches in the related areas: Since 1958, this college has been making very important contributions to high-technology industries in Taiwan. In order to meet the needs of advanced education and to create a life-long learning environment for engineers and scientists in the related areas, a committee was organized from the whole college in early 1998 to plan and design this degree program, and this program began in 1999. This program is designed for those who have full-time jobs and are targeted towards students seeking master degree.
2. Subprograms and Faculty
The Degree Program of EECS includes four subprograms:
  • Degree Programs of Electronics and Electro-Optical Engineering.
  • Degree Programs of Electrical and Control Engineering.
  • Degree Programs of Communication Engineering.
  • Degree Programs of Computer Science.
 The Department of Electronics Engineering and the Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, the Department of Electrical and Control Engineering, the Department of Communication Engineering, and the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering and the Department of Computer and Information Science are in charge of these four subprograms, respectively. The whole college has more than 200 faculty members to support this program. The details about faculty are described in each individual department and institute.
3. Laboratories and Facilities
 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University has excellent laboratories and facilities, especially in EECS areas. The students in this program can fully utilize all these laboratories and facilities.
4. Research Areas
  The research areas are the same as those in the whole college including several departments and graduate institutes. The details are described in the departments and institutes of the college.
  • Publish Date:2024-11-25
  • Update Date:2024-11-29
  • Units:Institute of Communications Engineering